
Our services are available on a singular, continuous or project by project basis. Everything we do is completely customized to each client's unique requirements.

IT Specialists

Our specialists deliver deskside as well as field site support. Whether you require us to come on location or are looking for remote type of support. Customized training is also available, we provide what you need.

Web Developers

We build web sites and web apps, custom or from provided designs, offer web support, maintenance and content update services. Or we can simply teach you how to update the content on your website yourself.

Programmer Analysts

Custom application enhancements, maintenance and/or ongoing application support. Complete application development; analysis, design, programming, QA, testing, deployment, documentation and maintenance.


Hybrid Technologies Corp. is located in beautiful Calgary, the largest city in Alberta Canada - only 45 minutes east of the Canadian Rockies.

About Us

Hybrid Technologies Corp. endeavours to be a company comprised of people who believe that we are all equal regardless of creed, skin color, social status, looks and sexual orientation. Honesty, hard work and thinking outside the box define us. After all "We cannot solve problems using the same thinking that created them." -Einstein

Our Vision

Hybrid Technologies Corp. strives to be the preferred technology solutions company by providing unsurpassed customer service, first rate quality products and incomparable development of any kind. All at a price that is affordable, regardless of whether or not you are a small business just starting out or a large enterprise.